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Hawkins Rose Crafts New Button Lock EDC, the Eastenn

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Part two of of our coverage of RoseCraft’s modern folder summer trio is here: meet the Eastenn. This Hawkins Rose piece implements the same mechanical and material concepts as its two release peers, but in a design that gives it its own standalone identity.

Compared to Chase Snyder’s Bowfin, the Eastenn scales things down – the blade here measures a comparatively small 3.2 inches. That doesn’t alter the intended use category though as, like the Bowfin, the Eastenn seems like an obvious EDC choice. The “modified clip” blade profile will work well in the usual spectrum of chores without any specialized knife know-how – although enthusiasts will appreciate its particular, subtle deviations, like the steep spine drop to the tip, the relative straightness of the edge, and of course the two-tone blade.

The button lock is becoming more and more common

The Bowfin used both a front flipper tab and thumb studs, but Rose chose to pare things back for the Eastenn. This one is front flipper only, although you may be able to two-hand, pinch-open the blade if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic for the olden days; but a decidedly un-old fashioned element of the design here is the button lock, a mechanism common not only to Rosecraft’s lineup, but the industry at large – we think it’s safe to say that the 2024 feels like the mechanism’s biggest year yet, by far.

This lock du jour is housed in a lightly curved handle that tapers lightly from front to back. The scales are made from pieces of contoured black G-10: durable, warm, grippy, but not abrasive. A bright orange pivot collar provides a tasteful injection of color, off-setting the rest of the Eastenn’s subdued color palette. This one comes with a reversible deep carry clip and weighs 4.4 oz.

The Eastenn, along with the previously-covered Bowfin and the soon-to-be-covered Walleye, is available now.

Knife in Featured Image: RoseCraft Blades Eastenn

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