Alps Outdoorz makes extreme-duty hunting packs and outdoor gear and is adding to the Elite series of multi-day pack systems. These new models are on both ends of the wilderness pack spectrum with to new pack sizes: 5800 and 700 cubic inches.
The robust Elite 5800 pack was developed for people who require a high quantity of gear and supplies for multi-day backcountry trips. The Elite 5800 is built with the same lightweight 500D nylon Cordura as found in the original Elite packs and has all the features that have earned the Elite Pack and Frame series the 2022 Editor’s Choice Award from Petersen’s Hunting and the 2023 Golden Bullseye award from NRA Publications’ American Hunter.
The full-access main compartment makes for easy gear retrieval easy, while multiple interior and exterior pockets provide quick access to the most needed items. An integrated, adjustable lashing system secures exterior gear and ensures a compressed load for improved balance and weight management. The pack also provides an oversized, integrated spotting scope pocket designed to fit optics with 85mm objectives. In addition to this, the pack is removable, so the frame can be used as a stand-alone meat hauler. The Elite Frame covers torso ranges from 14 to 20 inches, and the 5800-pack bag with spin drift fully unrolled measures 39 inches by 15 inches by 12 inches.
The Elite 700 pack works with all Elite frames and is a ultra-light “add-on” pack. The pack is designed for minimal gear requirements when any Elite pack frame serves as the primary for meat hauling (such as day trips when it may be necessary to haul out game) or as a secondary pack for extra gear (when secured to any Elite pack). Made of the same 500D Nylon Cordura as all Elite-series packs, the Elite 700 is hydration compatible, and measures 20 inches by 6 inches by 6 inches.
More information on these new packs as well as the other products offered by Alps Outdoorz is available at
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